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Different places to store a Defibrillator
Once you have decided on purchasing a defibrillator, you need to think about where to store it. You don’t want it hidden away and out of sight, but at the same time you don’t want it too accessible in case it goes missing. A phone box is one innovative way to use a redundant space to store a lifesaving Defibrillator.
Other more conventional options are an alarmed cabinet or a wall bracket.
The alarmed cabinet is a good idea if its open to the public or with an area of a lot of footfall. Its closed, so cant be accessed without everyone knowing.
The wall bracket may be a good idea if its in a closed office, or an office where members of the public don't access. Its readily available and on show, so staff may get used to seeing the AED and more likely to use it if required.
You can think outside the box when storing your defibrillator, the key things to remember is that the public can access it or any employees are aware where it is.